Day-Three Field Experience

What did I do? What did I learn? Why does it matter? Now what do I do next?

I spent most of today working on a Population Health Insights PowerPoint! This means that I had to sort through varying categories’ strategies and strengths, sort them in ABC order, add them to an alternative notes section, and then edit the PowerPoint slides accordingly. This required me to assess the needs of a population and learn how to assess health risks and cost drivers for varying conditions. This matters because I work with health professionals to determine risks, underlying causes, and condition-specific recommendations/solutions that affect better health outcomes in the future. I also met with my advisor to learn a different system so I could sort through client information for employee benefit consultants to reference. Next, I will work with my fellow intern, M., to create Finance vs. Purpose in the Workplace documents to show the role of finance and purpose on employee well-being in a workplace setting.

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