Day-Six Field Experience


Today was a big day, as I began my second official week with my internship! I have three projects to work on and a group internship meeting with my advisor. I started the morning by finishing the mandatory onboarding HIPPA training, which I will finish tomorrow on day seven. During our discussion, we decided that I would take the day to complete research on the correlation between purpose in the workplace and wellness. Over the next two days, I will continue researching financial wellbeing and behavioral changes.

I received the final round of feedback for my focus group project, and I will submit the final document to the rest of the team tomorrow. I got halfway through my purpose research when my advisor asked me to take the afternoon to help her with a PowerPoint presentation she needed to be done by the end of the day. I collected stats and strategies for managing anxiety and depression and then helped construct and design three PowerPoint slides! With only an hour left till 4 p.m., I finished the rest of my research on the correlation between purpose and well-being. Day six lasted from 9 am-4 pm; it has been my favorite day with the internship yet!

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