Day Fifty Field Experience

Today was great. I finally made some headway with the psychological safety guide, and I feel excellent about finishing my projects this week and next. I started the morning by checking my email and going through several of the attachments sent to me late last night. My advisor asked me to take high-quality notes during the Culture Champion Connect meeting today! I logged on and took in-depth notes throughout the meeting in a shared document. I then summarized all the meeting highlights, which consisted of philanthropy, new pulse net posts, and new ERGs. I sent the summarized highlights to my advisor, Lucy, and she has asked that I send the recap email to all the teammates as soon as the survey is done. I agreed with her and sent a draft email for her to view before I sent out the real thing. This task may be completed as late as the following Monday, but I am waiting for the survey to be created. Next, I had a meeting with the other intern, M. We went over projects and talked about the Springbuk meeting tomorrow, and I asked her about templates for the psychological safety guide I am working on. She sent me a better template to use, which was just what I needed! I got the first two pages of that guide done within the remaining two hours of the afternoon. 

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