Day Fifty-Two Field Experience

Friday! This has been a busy week, but today, I did not have any meetings. I put my team’s status on DND and began grinding to finish the guide in that new template. I had been creating the infographics incorrectly, so I did not feel confident about the project on Monday. However, after getting that new template, I could transfer over the information in the graphics I had already written out. There were some technological issues regarding embedding outside strategies and solutions guides. I took quick 15-minute breaks to get food or more coffee, but the first draft of the guide in Canvas was finished and sent to Lucy. Now that there has been satisfactory progress with that project made, I can focus on the presentation for next week before getting back to the final draft, which will likely only take about 5-6 hours throughout another week to finish and post. I am excited for the work to be done next week!

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