Day Forty-Nine Field Experience

Today was a big meeting day for the internship. I started the morning off by creating a meeting notes document to write out everyone’s comments during the Bi-weekly engagement practice meeting, which consisted of discussions about the upcoming quarterly meeting, vendor meetings, and the Engagement Calendar topics. I was also assigned a new project for next week during this meeting, FAQ, which means I will forward all the questions asked to consultants so I can sort them in a multifaceted Excel document for Madison to use when creating a new page in our engagement SharePoint soon. After this meeting, I wrote my projects and reflective statements to review with my advisor during the performance meeting. I continued working on the psychological safety graphic for the next two hours and a half before my performance meeting; at this point, I had created three different graphics, but none seemed to be what I wanted as a final product. I got some water and then jumped on my call with Lucy. Everything went well, and we discussed growing opportunities over reciprocal feedback! I had to log off for a doctor’s appointment after this call. However, I logged on later to further organize the impact project planner, send in the shared documents I have been working on, and find a new template for the psychological safety guide.

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