Week 10 Reflection

Week ten at my field experience internship was busier than last week, just as I expect next week to be busier than this week. There were lots of meetings and progress made; I identified ways to grow in this professional environment and finished a few projects that had been on the backlog for some time. All this work is essential to promoting solutions for well-being and safety, and I was pleased to hear that I have grown in confidence throughout this internship. The significant checks for this week were the psychological safety guide, the culture champion meeting, the springbok meeting, and the first-day internship document. The projects worked on this week can be categorized under three HESPA categories and subcategories.

(6.4.3) Communications- Select methods and technologies used to deliver messages. Develop communication aids, materials, or tools using appropriate multimedia. While working on the guide for psychological safety, I am expected to use the best standard for the content vehicle, which will also include embedded links to other OD strategies and solution blogs/white pages. There was much work put into finding the best template to communicate the message to future clients and the best way to group up the content within this guide as well. I am pleased with the outcome of this guide, as well as the varying graphics found within the guide. I am excited about the completion of this project in the coming weeks.
(6.3.3) Communications. Develop messages using communication theories and models- tailor messages for the audience. While working on the Springbuk training videos, it was my and the other intern’s job to communicate and divide the messages into two separate training videos and to share our findings with the rest of our national teammates to decide on how to create a specialty OD training move forward. While working on notes and emails for the Culture Championship meeting, I was expected to create a customized highlight message for employee updates and communication from that meeting. I drafted and will send a personalized text, email, and link to the different resources and posts updated and shared during the Culture Champion meeting.
(3.2.4) Implementation delivers health education and promotion interventions as designed. While working and presenting during the Springbuk meeting, it was my and the other intern’s job to speak on how to enhance our platform training videos through tailored communication and making sure that the topics are divided in a way that ensures anyone using the platform will be able to meet and find their project goals. While working on the first-day internship document, I met this requirement by reporting regular project updates that any future intern should learn about during the first week of the internship. I was expected to draft and redraft internship training lists and access requirements, as well as add my experience to better and future interns on kicking off an intense internship as a more prepared subject.

Next week’s objectives will be the slide updates for our communications teammate ( must be done before EOD Tuesday), sending out the culture championship updated email (as soon as my advisor sends me the survey), the PPB presentation slides (creating the slides, gathering stat/studies, community ideas and SDOH considerations), FAQ, and the Springbuk topic listed and side by side comparison. It will be a busy week, but with the proper time management, everything will be finished ahead of time and at exemplary standards.

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