Day Fifty-Seven Field Experience

Today, I finished up all my projects and updates for the week. I woke up, logged on to work by 7 am this morning, and immediately began finishing the PPB PowerPoint presentation. I spent the presentation and sent it to my advisor around 10 am; my advisor had time to check my work, and I got excellent feedback on this project. Next, I spent about 30 minutes finishing the comparison chart for the Springbuk training topics; we needed help to keep working on the BP links because we were still waiting for the approval of our work earlier this week from other teammates. I grabbed a quick coffee since I had everything due to being completed now. I then started reviewing all the feedback my advisor sent for the psychological safety guide; she says the content is excellent, but the presentation on a few parts needs some work. I spent the next two hours cleaning up the statistics and recreating the models on the first two pages of the guide. I then finished the day by sending in a weekly update to my advisor and creating the outline for the last page of the guide!

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