Day Fifty-Six Field Experience

Today at the internship, I started earlier than usual and ended about an hour earlier. I logged on and took some time to check my emails and sort through the FAQ questions being forwarded to me by other teammates; I added a few of them to a shared folder in OneDrive. I then spent the morning writing out the script sections for the PowerPoint presentation, which was much easier than creating the PowerPoint slides. After a quick snack break, I checked in with Mahenk, the other intern, to discuss the springbuk projects due tomorrow’s EOD. I got through some of the reviews of yesterday’s project and am now waiting for feedback approval from the other teammates before we proceed to the next part. I then spent the remainder of the day trying to get a redesign and move around the information on the PowerPoint slide, toying with the layout and creating elements to liven up the slides. Tomorrow, I will finish the Springbuk stuff and the PowerPoint slides.

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