Week 11 Reflection

Week 11 at the internship is flying by, and deadlines and new projects are coming up. This week was busier than the last, and next week will be more active than this one. This week, we completed the Springbuk training feedback, made progress on the Springbuk BP Excel, submitted the finished PPb PowerPoint slides for feedback, received feedback on the psychological safety guide, got current with the FAQ questionnaire documents, and participated in engaging the national team meeting for project and the engagement calendar. These projects can be categorized under three HESPA categories/subcategories. Next week, I will dedicate time each day to review the feedback for the PowerPoint slides and the psychological safety guide to finish everything before the end of the week. The top priority will be creating the new quarterly Tier 2 pages for the engagement calendar. I have been assigned to write up a page for sleep and another for inclusivity; this flows well since I have worked on several inclusivity projects since starting the internship. I will also continue to add to the FAQ document as emails continue to be sent to me.

6.6.2: Communications, Evaluate communication, Conduct outcome evaluations of communications. This week’s work on the feedback and comparison for the Springbuk and one digital navigation training system requires me to evaluate existing education communications and write out my feedback on the effectiveness of these videos. I was required to conduct my evaluation of videos and compare that to my fellow intern’s evaluation of an alternative video to provide substantial feedback for creating new and more effective training videos for this topic.

8.4.6- Ethics and Professionalism- Promote the health education profession to stakeholders, the public, and others. Develop presentations and publications that contribute to the profession. My work on the PPB slides requires me to involve employees and employers in relevant education topics like the importance of career well-being, purpose, and community well-being. I have created PowerPoint slides for an upcoming consultation presentation for employees that I will conduct live with my advisor. I will promote professional advice for less familiar topics that will encourage total well-being for employees, along with relevant ways to use your organization to sustain other areas of well-being in day-to-day life. The work I will do next week to finish the psychological safety guide may also be categorized under this subtopic, as that combined information will be delivered through a cohesive and engaging Canva guide of my creation.

7.4.8: Leadership and Management-Manage Fiduciary and material resources- Maintain up-to-date technology infrastructure. I fulfilled this HESPA requirement by working with the new and old FAQ document. This work requires me to communicate with other national teammates to gather the most common questions and pair them with the proper answers so our team can create a new drop-down FAQ page for the engagement SharePoint website. This work is essential because it will provide website viewers with a place to find the answers to their most common questions using a drop-down menu. This is an ongoing project as I will continue to receive and organize the questions sent to me by other teammates via email.

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