Day Fifty-Eight Field Experience

I was kicking off the twelfth week of the internship! Today was a shorter day at the internship; I logged on and checked my email around mid-morning; there were several new documents to add to the OD Sharepoint folders and a few new meetings to confirm. I started by rewriting the overview page of the psychological safety guide after I got new feedback from my advisor; we decided that I would submit another final to her on Wednesday so I could finish up on Friday after her final comments. After cleaning up the overview page and adding two new quotes, I went through and fixed any mistakes on the new two pages; last week, I redid the graphics on another page, but I wanted to go through the next two to ensure the references and language were cohesive and clear. After getting a quick snack, I began an outline for the Q1T2 sleep hygiene guide that will also be due on Friday! I got halfway through this before getting a message that we finally got feedback on the Springbuck training and BP links; I spent the next bit reviewing feedback, and we finalized the training recommendation. On Wednesday, Mahenk and I will call to finalize the embedded link section for the SP Excel sheet we got through last week. After all of this was done, it was time for me to log off. Tomorrow will consist of more meetings, but we are off to a good start.

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