Day Fifty-Nine Field Experience

Today was a very productive and collaborative day at the internship. The morning, I started early for the Biweekly engagement meeting with the rest of our national practice wellness teammates. We went through plans for creating the Q1T2 content; the timeline for this and the engagement calendar is constantly changing; it was interesting to see how everyone can work around each other’s schedule to get joint projects like this done. When this meeting was over, I had a chance to continue working on the sleep hygiene outline, adding several new resources to reference when I wrote it all out on Thursday. At 11, Mahenk, Lucy, and I got on a group call to discuss upcoming projects and priorities. We discussed the new projects for next week and what will need to be done on Friday. Many questions about the BP embedded links were answered, and I had several of my questions for the projects clarified. When this meeting was over, I finished the outline for the sleep hygiene guide. I then finished the day by adding the resources from PPB to the presentation Lucy and I have been working on together. I will only have one meeting tomorrow, but I will be swamped adding focus time.

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