Day Sixty Field Experience

Today is Wednesday, and I logged on early to get everything done! I spoke with Lucy yesterday about making the changes she left in the comment to the psychological safety guide. I redid the last component page, which took me all morning because the previous topic did not align with the Gallup pillars, and another subject would be more representative of our organization. Once this page was done, I got on an hour-and-a-half call in the early afternoon with Mahenk to finish the BP Springbuk links. She did it late last night, but I could walk through what she had done to ensure everyone else could figure it out. Next, we reviewed each other’s work and outline for the Q1T2 guides. I got some excellent feedback and will write out using my outline tomorrow; I am enjoying this sleep research! Before the meeting ended, I got Mahenk to review some of my guide pages, which she said looked great to her. I finished collecting more OD links to embed into the guide later tonight. I had to log off because of my next job, but I did log on at 9 PM when I finished embedding links to the guide and submitted it to Lucy late tonight!

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