Week Twelve Reflection

Week Twelve, November 13th-17th, was fulfilling and productive! I got new experience sitting in on the Aiberry vendor follow-up meeting and met all the weekly goals and project requirements. This week, I re-submitted the psychological safety guide, submitted the sleep hygiene guide, finalized the PPB PowerPoint, and sorted information into the correct folders in Sharepoint. Next week’s work will focus on the Q1T2 portion of the engagement and wellbeing calendar for 2024. This work matters because it gives me experience in evaluation and research; creating health education tools using up-to-date research for an evolving workplace will provide a helpful tool to the intended audience to improve health outcomes and reduce health cost risk. Next week, I hope to get feedback on my completed guides, and on Monday, I will begin creating the Canva resources for sleep hygiene. Now that I have done this for the psych guide twice over, I can knock it out with confidence and speed early in the week. I also expect to sit in on another meeting with L. on Monday and a monthly national engagement training series meeting on Tuesday.

During my field experience of week twelve, I met several HESPA competencies and sub-competencies through the completion of several projects. Most of my work this week is categorized under the HESPA Evaluation and Research competency category; this is because almost all of my work came from the research of health-related strategies/pillars of well-being and comparing or using this information to create a new resource to improve overall wellbeing for employees and employers in any organization. 

(4.5.3) Evaluation and Research- use findings- identify recommendations for quality improvement. This week, I was able to fulfill this HESPA competency and sub-competency through the resubmission of the Psychological Safety guide; in redoing the last competent page for this guide, I was required to research to find best practice recommendations on a tangible action plan for how to build a sense of purpose in the workplace and how this connects with a stronger sense of psychological safety in a modernizing work industry. 

(4.5.1) Evaluation and Research-Use Findings- Communicate Findings by preparing reports, presentations, and other means. I fulfilled this HESPA competency and subcompetence through completing the PPB PowerPoint presentation. I was required to research to gather statistics, quotes, and best practice strategies on the importance of community well-being and involvement, personal purpose, organizational purpose, and career well-being. These findings were added to a presentation I will give in two weeks with my advisor, Lucy, to an employee audience for PPB to communicate about the less talked about pillars of total wellbeing.

(4.4.7) Evaluation and Research, interpret data, develop recommendations based on findings. This week, I fulfilled this HESPA competency and subcompetency by completing the sleep hygiene guide “Tapping into your body’s natural superpower.” I reached this by researching the science of sleep, sleep hygiene, why we need sleep, and the mental, physical, and success benefits associated with adequate sleep. After collecting sufficient research on this topic, I wrote sections in a document on how to improve sleep and productivity in day-to-day life through minor changes in sleep schedule.

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