Day Sixty-Four Field Experience

Tuesday before the Thanksgiving holidays, there was a lot to communicate today as everyone except M., and I will be offline starting tomorrow for Thanksgiving! I logged on early to review the finished comments on the psychological safety guide. I logged onto the call early, which was good because my advisor did too. She gave me some great feedback on the guide. We are changing the order delivery of the information again, and she asked permission to send the guide as a 2024 resource to everyone at the start of the year! M. then jumped on the the call, and we had a project progress update with each other, discussing meeting in person next week and where to post our Q1T2 guides. Once the call was over, I stayed on for longer with my advisor to talk out plans of action for a little bit longer. After this team meeting call ended, I created the new pages on the Canva guide doc and started moving around the information before the next national engagement training series meetings began (I don’t have to rewrite anything); there are a lot of significant presentation changes to make, but I still have my creative freedom. It was around 2 P.m. when the engagement training meeting ended, and my advisor and I started another meeting immediately after since she wanted to explain the notes she wrote out on a second-word document; we decided to condense all of the introduction paragraphs on the component pages and move them to a second introduction page to be presented together. After our call ended, I spent the next hour getting my thoughts straight and creating a plan of attack for tomorrow while everything was still fresh in my head. I had to jump off at 4 to get to my next job.

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