Day Seventy Field Experience

Today, I closed everything up for the week! I logged on at my usual nine thirty times, added a blurb to the T1Q2 sleep hygiene project, and resent the PPB PowerPoint to our connection for the presentation early next week on the last day of the internship. I then logged on for a presentation practice meeting with my advisor where we spent an hour reviewing the PowerPoint slides and dividing who was presenting what.My Advisor and I also scheduled the final evaluation meeting for the following Monday. After this, I spent the rest of the day adding and changing the psychological safety guide; this guide has been through many adjustments. We decided to add another two pages, and I said the content and fixed the reference slides so I could send it to the marketing team on Monday morning. I worked all day on this, and it’s become something that I can feel proud of. I logged off at 6 pm because I wasn’t done with the last page or the references, but I will get to that early Monday and coordinate everything with my advisor.

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