Day Sixty-Seven Field Experience

Day Sixty-Seven Field Experience

Today was a tremendous collaborative day at the OD internship! I worked from 10 am to 4 pm, taking a lunch break in the middle. I jumped on a training meeting with the rest of the team where M., my advisor, and I finalized a plan for new intern resources and the first week’s training schedule. This was a great meeting because we are making an integration plan for the training of the following interns; we were able to get everything done in this meeting; the last thing to do is to create a finalized page to send out to those new interns. After this meeting, I had to fix the resource page for the PBB PowerPoint again to match the new marketing plan they came out with yesterday; I then emailed the new slides to my advisor and our contact. After I got approval on those projects, I spent the remainder of my time moving around references for the psych guide so I could dig in a little more tomorrow. All of the work today has been a tremendous collaborative effort of different backgrounds, creating new resources to support the new training plans of other interns driving health risk solutions for the company in the spring.

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