Day Sixty-Six Field Experience

Today was a big day as I started my fourteen weeks at the OD Internship. I started the morning reviewing the new updates and notes to the psychological safety guide; Lucy has mentioned creating two new formatted pages, where I will have to add more content to fill in the gaps left as we have added a new component to the guide and now need more strategies. I redid the first page and the opening component descriptions before attending a later project update meeting with Lucy and Mahenk. Everything is on track; I will continue working on the guide and have been asked to create the combined vendor summit meeting PowerPoint when the slides come in on Wednesdays. After this meeting, I went through and had to make several page changes to the PPB PowerPoint several times throughout the afternoon. The Collaborative work today on the guide and the PowerPoint was great because it adds more value to the health content we are trying to provide our clients and more support from differing ideas. I am excited about the rest of the week’s progress and optimistic about the upcoming project wrap-ups!

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